I count my blessings that I live in Sydney, for it was sandwiched by massive flooding to the north and south in both Queensland and Victoria, but Sydney escaped unscathed. After the flooding, tropical cyclones affected the Northern Territory, and more are on the way, while a heat wave giving temperatures of more than 40C is currently affecting South Australia, and Sydney too is getting temperatures in the mid 30C area at the moment too.
Channel 7 has it's news studio right in the centre of the CBD here in Sydney, and they have a news ticker running around the building. As I stood and watched it for a while one day, two headlines related to the weather swept past - the floods were causing more people to be evacuated from their homes in Victoria, and a tropical cyclone was the cause of a Severe Weather Warning being issued in the Northern Territory. That was it - I had my picture - all I had to do was wait for it to come around again (obviously I missed it first time). While I was waiting, I tried various different angles, and (because I was using my 50mm prime) checked the focus. I wanted to get the ticker going diagonally across the image, as well as get the name of the building. I liked this angle, and once cropped top and bottom to a flatter aspect, I think it works well.

Oh, and just for fun - here's one of my nephew and the sand castle that caused me so much pain the following day :D
I love that first picture! Very cool.