I’m hopeless with names, so apologies to all concerned if I got your name wrong where mentioned below… I’ve asked Andrew for confirmation, but he’s likely busy at the moment.

We started off with some natural light situations. The first location in the lounge was fine as far as light goes (I was using my f/1.8 50mm), but I was having trouble with the auto-focus that doesn’t auto-focus with the D3000. I don’t think I got very many good pictures from that location at that point (but practice makes perfect, and after 8 hours of perseverance, by the end of the day, my in-focus shots were far more numerous).
The second location we tried was in a stairwell that was amply lit from above by sunlight, and painted white to ensure maximum reflection. Joselle posed for us in a chair at the bottom (a

A change of clothes, and then she posed for some shots halfway in and out of the front door, giving interesting lighting conditions with the bright sunlight outside half lighting her, while we attempted to compensate for the inside lighting with fill flash or reflectors and studio lights. We’d played a bit with white and silver reflectors, but then had a go with a black reflector – which as you might guess, doesn’t actually reflect but rather absorbs light, and enhances shadow to give a stronger directional light effect, as seen in this shot. The black reflector was just out of shot on the left.
Our second model, Cassie, then took over and the next session was using studio strobes and a more contrived setting. She has blonde hair and was wearing a black outfit, sitting on a black sofa with black backdrop. A fan, just out of shot, gave some movement to her hair (and helped keep her cool while we were all baking).

I felt that the colouring was a little harsh using auto white-balance and tried a few other settings – the flash setting gave a much warmer image, maybe a little too warm, so I also tried the ‘cloud’ setting and that was quite nice, but would probably still benefit from some tweaking.

Carlie & Rachel

Carlie & Rachel were special guests rather than our official models, but both stood in for a short while, and gave us a few poses, filling in for Joselle and Cassie during changes of clothes and make-up fixes. I only got three shots of Carlie, and sadly none were properly focused, but I liked this candid shot of Rachel sharing a joke with one of the other guys while she was modelling for us.

Our instructor Vivienne also brought along a few changes of clothes, and divided her time between mentoring and modelling – often doing both at the same time.

My final shot of Vivienne was outside in natural light, though I suspect I may have left white balance set wrongly from a previous set of pictures – the colours look a bit flat in comparison with the indoor shots (btw – all of these are straight off the camera – apart from a bit of cropping, they have had no PP work done on them yet. I’m sure that with the use of Photoshop, I can tweak them up a bit). I think I also needed either fill flash, or the reflector right of picture – another alternative may have been to use a different colour profile (e.g. “Vivid” on Nikons – I don’t know what the equivalent is on Canons).
Davinka (pretty sure I've got your name wrong – so sorry)

I love the second shot with the black pattern on the dress really setting off her raven black hair. I think that the combination of the black and white dress, and the white backdrop, and her black hair make this a pretty eye-catching shot of her. Well, I really like it, anyway.
This was a full-on experience – I would never have expected taking pictures all day could be so tiring (the heat didn’t help). If nothing else, I spent a whole day practicing with my manual focus technique, which was improving as the day went on. I learned about how to set up and use studio lights (which I’d read about, but nothing is better than practical experience), and I got some great experience working with models that knew how to pose, which I hope will help me to get the best from other people that I photograph in the future. I learned to look for different viewpoints, and how to balance artificial and natural light using my camera in manual mode. I really think I got a lot out of the day – time will tell.
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