Bokeh can be used a little more creatively than just blurry circles of light forming a backdrop. By cutting a circle of black card that will fit inside a filter screwed to the lens, and then cutting a shape (a star for example) out of the middle of the circle - you have an instant Bokeh maker. Just slip the circle of card over the lens, and screw on the filter to keep it in place, then go out in search of some sparkles (for those of you with Point and Shoots - you may need to use some other means of mounting the card to the lens - you could try Blu-Tak, but I'd avoid taping it on - also beware of lenses that retract into the camera behind little slidey doors - don't want to accidentally gum those up with any sticky stuff when the camera unexpectedly switches itself off while your Bokeh card is still attached).
Any pinpoints of light will do - distant street lights, xmas tree lights, sparkly reflections on Sydney Harbour... As soon as you defocus them, they will adopt the shape you cut in the card. Give it a try and have some fun - try theming your Bokeh maker with the photos, like hearts for a luvvy-duvvy couple portrait ;-) Also try cutting bigger holes and small ones to see what difference it makes, or try cutting several holes in one bit of card.
Any pinpoints of light will do - distant street lights, xmas tree lights, sparkly reflections on Sydney Harbour... As soon as you defocus them, they will adopt the shape you cut in the card. Give it a try and have some fun - try theming your Bokeh maker with the photos, like hearts for a luvvy-duvvy couple portrait ;-) Also try cutting bigger holes and small ones to see what difference it makes, or try cutting several holes in one bit of card.

My lesson learned for today? Think about flash when shooting a subject against the sun.
Until next time...
happy Snapping.
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