The other thing I got - 3 days after Christmas - was a grandson to take photos of. He came along a month early and caught us all on the hop, but now he is 2 weeks old and life is beginning to settle down again (though his parents probably think differently). Here is a picture of William (Will) Smith aged 2 weeks.

I have been charged to do a picture of Will every month for the first year, to go in one of those special photo frames that has a slot for each month. At the moment, Will couldn't care less about me snapping away all the time, but I think it's already wearing thin with Mum & Dad, so it may be a challenge to get access to him every month for his official portrait - we'll see.
I've also started putting pictures into Project Flickr again this year (running for its third year now?) The first theme of the year was Happiness - which seemed quite appropriate given that we had a new addition to the family, and it prompted me to start it up again. Next week's theme is Body Parts, and I had been planning to try and get a few shots of Will's tiny feet and hands - so they could be appropriate entries (once again - if I get the opportunity...) I know that I won't last the whole year at Project Flickr - I have a few busy periods this year where I know hobby time will have to take a back seat for a while, as well as a spell over in China where internet access is severely restricted, and many 'social' sites like flickr and facebook, are forbidden or censored. Having said that, I am looking forward to going back to China again, as I will have 3 days to myself while I am there, to wander around with my camera, and see what I can photograph.
OK - well that's my news for now. Over the coming months, I am sure that Will will probably be featuring from time to time, and I'll also post some of my experiments with all my new lighting gear - which I am really looking forward to playing with. Post a reply below telling what pressies Santa brought for you, and if you made any New Year Resolutions - especially photographic ones. I'd love to hear from you.
Until the next time
Happy Snappin'
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